This is the blog for Gavin and Carrie Jones and family. We live in Papua New Guinea and are working to see lives transformed by the living Word of God through Bible translation. Gavin is a helicopter pilot. Carrie, who has her degree in Public Health, works in the lab at our busy rural clinic. Our son, Isaac, was born in 2004 and our quintuplets, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, and Grace, were born in 2012.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:3-6

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Great Cry of 2013

 I hope there's not a cry that's greater. Tonight was The Night. We realized that we could not keep on with the not-so-merry bedtime dance of down, up, down, up, down with five different babies (although David is actually really good about going to sleep and staying asleep). Gavin said last night he wished he could grow his hair long so he could pull it out in frustration! Even the babies who have slept pitiful amounts during the day decide, as soon as they realize they are asleep, that it's actually a lot more fun to be awake, when it actually isn't - for them or for us! Everyone is miserable and tired! So tonight we did the whole bedtime routine, put them down, they all fell peacefully asleep (with the exception of Seth, but he got there), and then the screaming started about 15 minutes later. And went on and on. For an hour, in Marcie's case. Wow. She wasn't hungry. She wasn't wet. She wasn't dirty. She just plain old didn't want to sleep. So we kind of lost the battle with her, but four out of five ain't bad, right? Tomorrow night we will meet again, my pretty . . .

David slept through this one, and Isaac was the one getting the babies to look at the camera. He and Gavin had been working on homework and I had quite the nice little social group going on. Sometimes it's really FUN around here!


  1. Have you tried classical music? Know has helped calm a lot of babies. I think they make classical lullaby dvd's. You probably know about this, but in case--------- I hope you and Gavin are able to get out for at least an hour or two for "you" time every week. Wish we were there to 'hug' everyone. Still praying, have a blessed Easter--love you, Richard and Phyllis

    1. Hi Phyllis! Pray you are recovering from your exciting week - your family, too! Yes, we have used all of those music types (see below, I'm working my way up through the comments instead of down) and they are all a great help. Gavin and I got to go to the Arboretum a couple of days ago while his parents stayed with the babies and we took Seth to his pulmonology appointment and then straight on. It was amazing!

      Love and Happy Easter!

  2. Thanks for this cute update. I just love that through it all, you are able to keep your sense of humor. With six kids I think that is the most important thing of all. And, by the way, these babies are beautiful. Nancy

    1. Thanks so much, Nancy! My sense of humor varies directly with the amount of sleep I've gotten, so once again I have to say a huge THANK YOU to all our fabulous volunteers!

      I sure think the babies are beautiful, but of course I am highly biased. :) Thank you for your sweet words! Carrie

  3. Classical music is a great idea. (Just not Wagner's "Ride of the Valkeries"!) Michael Card's "Sleep Sound in Jesus" is wonderful too.

    1. It's what I played for the boys while coming down the Tollway from the helmet appointment the other day. It totally worked! It was classical piano. They have fine taste in music. :) I think all babies do. Love you, Jane/Mom in Texas!

  4. I agree I love that you two keep such a good sense of humor about all of the difficulties. I know the Lord continues to strengthen you and abound in love in every situation. Thank you so much for sharing your family, one of the high lights of my day is seeing how well all are doing.


    1. Aw, you're sweet! Thanks for praying! :) Love, Carrie

  5. So good to see all of you on Monday. The babies are sweeter than ever and getting so big. I just wish that I lived closer so that I could come often to help with them.



    1. Thanks SO much for stopping by! You were a huge help and it was wonderful to see you, as always!

      Love and hugs from all the babies and me,

  6. Just wanted to say that I will be praying for Sam. God often does His best work out of our brokenness.

    As for the babies and thankful you have help. My Mom did not do so well with sick, premature twins and virtually NO help. She got sleep in 15 minute increments for more than a year.

    1. I would be in a padded room after one night. I can't believe she even survived that! I am grateful that I didn't have twins or triplets because I obviously wouldn't have gotten the help necessary for higher order multiples. I've done the last two nights without night volunteers; got 3.5 hours of sleep the night before last and it was miserable yesterday. (Sam is gone for the weekend.) Last night I got nearly 5 hours before the babies woke me up again. Your mom would have thought she was in Heaven with five hours!! These stories make me SO grateful. And sad for people who live them. :(

  7. The power of music cannot be underestimated. Michael Card's CD is a wonderful suggestion. Harp music is also very soothing. You might also want to consider music that is is in 3/4 time (like a waltz). It's better that 4/4 time which is marching music. If you don't understand all this, I'll just bet someone who helps you will. You might get someone to see if there are Certified Music Practitioners, harp therapists or others available who are trained to play music for different situations. We will continue to pray for all of you and particularly for better sleep.


  8. It is hard to most parents to finally put their foot down where sleep issues are concerned but when you have all 5,it is a whole new ball game but it does have to be done for everyone's sanity! And the Sleep Sound in Jesus is a wonderful cd!

  9. I remember reading about the Dilley (I think that was their name) sextuplets that they had to just put their foot down and let them start crying it out. And it took a bit, but yes, all 6 kiddos started sleeping better. I'm sorry. One baby crying is pretty hard, 5 has to tear at your nerves. We've let babies cry it out (one at a time as we've had singletons) and it really is just fine to do that. At some point, the sweeties have to learn to get back to sleep on their own instead of having someone rock, cuddle, or feed them. I will pray for strength for you as I know how hard it is when you are tired to hear a baby (or 5) wail. And of course, I pray they start sleeping better!

  10. Oh, another thought. I realize your house is small so I'm not sure on options about having babies in various places. We've gotten sound machines for most of thet kids which provides some background noise. That way, if one child is loud, there is something competing for attention that is more soothing. (We currently have 2 girls in one room, 3 girls in another room, 2 boys in a 3rd room, and the baby sleeping by himself in a 4th room. Yep, big house.)

    1. It's been a lot easier for me this time since there are five instead of just one, and we do have a sound machine in their room, and in our room we always turn on the window a/c fan to help drown out the noise. The other two rooms are where Seth and Marcie sleep since they sleep through anything! :) We turned on soothing music when we let them cry together as they were ALL bouncing back awake at the same time and we wanted something, like you said, to compete with them. :) Thanks for all your kind words, prayers and thoughts throughout the months! Love, Carrie

  11. "white noise" sometimes works better than actual music. You can use sound machines or even make your own recordings.

    1. Yup, we have that and we have white noise apps on our phones. :)

  12. With the twins I've found that they learn to tune each other out (most of the time). They just sleep through the other Ines crying. This doesn't work if the asleep baby is at the end of a sleep cycle.

    1. Oh, interesting! Thanks so much for the info! - Carrie

  13. Carrie,
    My mom, who is an expert at mothering, gave me this advice this afternoon when I was telling about your problem with getting the babies to sleep for the night. After you are done with getting them ready for bed, don't put them to bed asleep. Try getting them all settled and telling them it's night-night. Then shut the door, and let them have a conversation with one another! After one gets sleepy and falls asleep, the others will probably follow it! Either way, one of them is going to get tired! :) Even when they cry, and you know they are not in need of anything, don't make them get used to you always coming in, otherwise they will get into a rythm...and its not so fun! Worst comes to worst, you could always buy earplugs! LOL Praying for each one of you!

    1. Yes, we haven't been putting them down asleep if we can help it (sometimes they fall asleep while drinking, and even then I try bobbling them awake and talking a little bit to wake them back up) because we've wanted them to learn to self soothe. It's been GREAT as far as them falling asleep on their own, it's just when they decide 20 minutes later that they want to get back up - and it's past 8 pm! That's when the crying starts. And of course one wakes up the others, etc., and they're really not at the talking age yet, although there is some pretty cute babbling going on by David and Will. :) Thanks so much for your prayers and for caring! Next, it's time to yank the pacifiers . . . ;)


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Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

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