This is the blog for Gavin and Carrie Jones and family. We live in Papua New Guinea and are working to see lives transformed by the living Word of God through Bible translation. Gavin is a helicopter pilot. Carrie, who has her degree in Public Health, works in the lab at our busy rural clinic. Our son, Isaac, was born in 2004 and our quintuplets, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, and Grace, were born in 2012.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:3-6

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Baby milestones and developments

I started this yesterday but didn't finish and post it:

Seth and David do a really cute trick of turning themselves in circles on their bottoms while sitting. Seth is currently doing this and babbling while waving two girls' shirts in the air. He's very proud of his acquisition of the shirts because he had to pull himself up on the partially-open drawer to be able to reach in and steal them. It's really exciting to see him pull up on things and be so driven to get to toys and keep up with his siblings. What's even more exciting is that Seth is now taking 1/3 of his daily nutrition via mouth! He's taken 7.5 ounces both yesterday and today, plus food (on a toothbrush, oddly enough - he prefers the texture of the bristles to that of a spoon). Thanks for praying that he continues to eat and drink better as the days go by so he can get off his tube feedings entirely. Right now we're only hooking him up to be fed during his nighttime sleeping hours. What a relief!!

Gracie is crawling more and more and pulling up on everything, which is also fun to see. She continues to be amazingly sweet and patient. She and Seth are the easiest of the five. Marcie is the most challenging in that she is very mobile and very determined on getting what she wants. She actually knocked a bottle out of Will's mouth today because she wanted it! But she has unlawful amounts of charm and winsomeness that make her irresistible. She loves her siblings and the adults in her life and readily shows it by grinning ear-to-ear and squealing with delight.

Gracie also does lots of squeals of delight and chuckles of glee when she's playing or supposed to be sleeping. (If you want to hear a sample of her silliness last night at midnight):

David is active (the latest: getting to his feet alone, standing for a while, then sitting again!) but not nearly as demanding as Marcie about getting his way, and Will is sensitive and quick to tears, but slightly less active than David or Marcie. He's a real sweetheart, too.

Marcie and David frequently move in tandem. They were both standing up against our bathroom door, frustrated that they couldn't get in. Will is often not far behind, but he and David also go off separately and do their own things. Seth and Will are really close buddies. It's adorable! They are just crazy about each other.

We are, of course, absolutely in love with each of the five babies and their big brother. We can't imagine life without a single one of them! They fill our home with love, laughter and a lot of (mostly happy) activity and noise. :) Thank you, Father, for our blessings! Thank you all for blessing us so richly by caring for our family.

Love in Christ,


  1. Hey Carrie! Speaking of baby food, do you ever shop for baby food at juror? They have massive amounts of different kinds.. Like "guava papya," etc. Just fyi! Xoxo, katie

    1. Sorry, not "juror," I meant kroger. Stinkin auto correct.

    2. That's hilarious - I JUST walked in the door from there! It's such a good deal! That's where I buy basically all of it. That picture of me with the shopping cart was at Kroger. :) Love you!

    3. And here I've been driving around all night, looking for JUROR!


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Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

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