This is the blog for Gavin and Carrie Jones and family. We live in Papua New Guinea and are working to see lives transformed by the living Word of God through Bible translation. Gavin is a helicopter pilot. Carrie, who has her degree in Public Health, works in the lab at our busy rural clinic. Our son, Isaac, was born in 2004 and our quintuplets, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, and Grace, were born in 2012.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:3-6

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homecoming delayed

Darling David was too tired out to take all 8 bottles today without dropping his heart rate (bradying). He needs to gain weight and strength and then they will try again. For now he's getting 2 of his 8 feeds by tube.

Thanks for praying!


  1. I know this must seem a mixed blessing - frustrating on the one hand and a relief on the other. May God continue to grant you stamina beyond your own abilities! And grace for each moment. And wisdom for each decision. sharon b.

  2. Still hard to believe that it can be so soon ... big transitions! Praying.

  3. Don't be discouraged! Our God who was in control yesterday is still in control today. He knows when David will be ready to go home and His timing is perfect! Your babies are absolutley beautiful.

  4. Praise God. He holds the babies, Isaac, and you, Carrie & Gavin, in His Hands. I so loved your comments, Gavin. Don't be discouraged or fearful. You are still a month away from when the babies were due. They have made so much progress. I pray unceasingly for them all, but especially for Seth. As a granny, I am beginning to see similarities between the babies and their parents. You know all babies have to "resemble" someone. But, most in my heart is the knowledge that like Isaac and you, Carrie and Gavin, each of these babies, Will, David, Seth, Marcie, and Grace have a place in God's kingdom. It is a joy to anticipate their journey! Blessings on all.

  5. Praying for all your family, all those 5 babies and their big brother. God bless all of you.


    Matt 18:19

  6. Oh how well I remember the disappointment when we thought one of ours would be coming home and then at the last minute, no. The feeling of relief was also a bit present as well. Don't worry, the day will come when you really do start leaving the hospital with a baby and another and another and so on. We pray for you all every day, especially baby Seth, several times a day in fact. I know many people do and God is with you, I feel you already know that. The new pictures are so precious, especially Marcie and her thumb. Thank you again for sharing your journey, even with those of us you have never met. It is a true blessing to be able to share this miraculous adventure with all of you.

  7. Are they requiring that the babies have to drink a certain amount each day?? I would think it would vary with the child. I have always heard that a baby knows how much he needs and, unless it is too little, that should be the guide. I guess it depends on the size of the bottle. One of my granddaughters, at birth (6.5 oz.) only needed a bottle every four hours and she grew and developed well. I pray that you may begin taking them home soon, especially when it comes around the time when they would normally have been born (due date).
    I pray for them all every day and am especially praying for Seth that God would touch him (his lungs or whatever else is the problem) and that he will soon be well.

    1. They calculate how much each one needs based on what it takes for them to gain enough weight. David gets too tired to finish as much as he is hungry for and needs. Even though he's still sucking like he's starving his heart rate starts plummeting, showing his little premie body doesn't have the strength it needs to take in what it knows it needs. He's just nursed for 30 minutes

    2. Sorry, I got cut off there. :) Anyway, I was saying he was doing great! Thanks so much for your prayers, especially for Seth. Love, Carrie

  8. Hi Again!! I am a fellow quint mama, and I'm praying for you. You are on an amazingly emotional journey. Everyday carries it's own joys and challenges, yet the constant thing that never changes is your faithful God is carrying you. You were created for such a time as this!!! What a privilege!! May our sweet Lord bless you with strength, wisdom, and peace. Please feel free to contact me if you ever want to ask talk about life with multiples. God Bless you!!! :)Diane


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Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

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