This is the blog for Gavin and Carrie Jones and family. We live in Papua New Guinea and are working to see lives transformed by the living Word of God through Bible translation. Gavin is a helicopter pilot. Carrie, who has her degree in Public Health, works in the lab at our busy rural clinic. Our son, Isaac, was born in 2004 and our quintuplets, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, and Grace, were born in 2012.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:3-6

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy days!

Hi all,

Needless to say, life is perhaps busier than ever with a baby home, although David is just delightful! Gavin, grandparents, and Aunt Deb are a HUGE help. Last night, however, he was up until 1:30 with ol' Mom at the helm. So I'm a little foggy but very happy to report the following:

Grace is now 5 lb 3 oz and is off of the Vapotherm (high-flow nasal cannula), on low-flow cannula only. Will, at 8lb 9.5 oz, and Marcie, at 6 lb 5 oz, are off all oxygen. Seth, who weighs as much as Marcie, is thriving on regular CPAP (continuous pressure but no reminder breaths) on 39% oxygen! Please pray he will continue to go from "strength to strength" (Psalm 82, NLT) as the steroids leave his system and as he weans down on the pain and sedation meds from when he was on the oscillating ventilator. Gavin got to hold him; a tearful, joyful experience that happens to be on Gavin's mom's camera and not in our computer yet. :)

Love and gratitude,

The Grandpas with David

Our athletic big boy at his best friend's house

David just chillin' on the home front

Will and Frances; Will weighs a lot more than Isaac at birth;
all 3 boys are longer than Isaac was (18+ inches). So much for my fear of "puny-ness!"
And they aren't even due until this coming Saturday :)


  1. Wow, super news for a Monday morning, what a great start to the week! So MANY praises! I can see Will going home soon...he looks huge, what a doll baby! So happy to hear about Seth and his continued well as the no O2 for Will and Marcie, Gracie's weight gain and lower oxygen support and last but not least...David, looks very content to be home and loves being passed from one set of warm and loving arms to another. Blessings abound!

  2. David's getting spoiled by getting home first! :) Will looks like a chunk! Wow! I see you changed your blog heading, too. So happy that they are all improving and doing well. I peek her often through the day praying for your babies.

    Just a question when you have time (ha ha!), did they ever consider bedding any of the babies together? I've heard this at times can help with multiples, but didn't know for sure.

    1. Hi, Ellie: I'm answering for Carrie, as she's trying to calm a fussy David. Lots of people have asked about bedding the babies together, but apparently they don't do that anymore because of the risk of infection being passed from one baby to another. We are all so grateful for the concern & prayers expressed by so many on this blog! Very humbling, very encouraging, a great testimony to the unity & love of God's people for one another. Warmest regards, Jane (Carrie's Mom)

  3. What a wonderful post! Lots of praises!! (Like so many others, though I don't know you, I pray for all of you daily and eagerly await your posts. This one made my heart soar!!)

  4. What a wonderful post! Lots of praises!! (Like so many others, though I don't know you, I pray for all of you daily and eagerly await your posts. This one made my heart soar!!)

  5. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
    In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.
    May your unfailing love rest upon us, Oh Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
    Psalm 33: 20-22
    Thank you Lord, that we can come to you and hope in you for the continued well-being of this precious family. All praise and honor to you. Amen. NKL

  6. what a wonderful update. Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!

  7. Praising, and praying, from Perth, Australia. Michael, Jenni, Hannah, Daniel & Josh Bottrell (all of whom have been touched by the smaller version of the Jones tribe) - and we look forward to hearing wonderful things of UIS class of 2030!

  8. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, news.


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Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

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