This is the blog for Gavin and Carrie Jones and family. We live in Papua New Guinea and are working to see lives transformed by the living Word of God through Bible translation. Gavin is a helicopter pilot. Carrie, who has her degree in Public Health, works in the lab at our busy rural clinic. Our son, Isaac, was born in 2004 and our quintuplets, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, and Grace, were born in 2012.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:3-6

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Choosing the better thing

Luke 10:38-42
New International Version (NIV)
38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

My alternate title for this blog post was "I am a failure." Every single day I fail to keep the house as clean as I want it to be. Every day I fail to clean up after myself in the kitchen because I'm rushing around so fast with impatient babies, then I forget to go back and do it later because I am the world's most distractible person, it seems! I fail to cook or bake or do much at all in the kitchen - that's gonna change in PNG out of sheer necessity! Every day I fail to keep my kids as clean as I would like them to be. I fail to catch every fall, I fail to prevent every bite, I fail to see what happened when in the aftermath someone is left crying. I fail to make my bed. I fail to clean my smelly shower. I fail to keep toddlers out of the toilets, for crying out loud! I fail to organize just about everything. (Real problem area for me, organization. I'd much rather clean my bathroom.) I run out of "me" before I run out of duties and daylight. I get so frustrated that even with a fabulous nap under my belt, I STILL can hardly function after 9 at night when I really need to start the big bag of mending and spend time with my husband and start sorting all my papers and keepsakes from the quints' first two years so we can actually pack up the last items and move back overseas. . . phew!

So my challenge, brought to mind last night by a beautiful devotional based on the life of a darling girl I knew named Bethany Wake, is to "choose the better thing." I can't do it all. It's not humanly possible, at least not for this human. 

What is the better thing? Well, the ultimate better thing is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. That includes carving out moments to be in His Word, to actually PRAY more than a sentence at a time, and to remember to turn to Him when Will is so cranky I feel like I can't take it another moment. [Will, if you are reading this in future years, you were only cranky because you had a fever and weren't feeling well. I was cranky too. I love you!!]

The better thing, though, also includes my time with my kids. Will I ever wish I had kept a cleaner house? That my shower hadn't smelled so weird? No way! I'm not even going to remember the shower - unless I read this, ha, ha! Will I wish I had kept my kids looking perfect and immaculately clean? Doubt it. Besides, as missionary kids, it's NOT going to happen! When we chose to be missionaries we embraced the mud and dust, so to speak. Plus, it's how Gavin and I grew up on the mission field. The dirt of a happy, active childhood is what nighttime baths are for. Or, in Isaac's case as a toddler, nap time and nighttime baths!

Choosing the better thing means I sit on the floor with my kids rather than sweep it around them. It means I laugh when they make a mess because I forgot to put some bag of Cheerios out of reach. It means I choose to go outside with them rather than clean up the inside. It means I sit and hold them at bedtime when they watch their last wind-down baby TV show, or read them books that they bring to me. It means I spend time reading to Isaac and doing devotions with him when all the other babies are in bed. It means I work the lunchroom at his school because that means so much to him. I need to be reminded to "choose the better thing" because these precious moments with our unique and beautiful kids are better things I will NEVER regret.

Choosing the better thing sometimes also includes getting away from the demands and pressure of a house with five one-and-a-half-year-olds so that I can return recharged and refreshed with a good sense of humor! It gives the kids a chance to play with other adults who LOVE them like family - what a blessing!!!! We will miss you all so much!

So never mind that right now my bed isn't made, that I'm still in my pajamas, and that my shower still needs a good scrubbing. Oh, and I haven't touched the drawers of papers and boxes of mementos yet! Each baby is happily asleep for their morning nap. I know I hugged and spent time reading to or playing with each one, and I comforted those who were hurt either physically or emotionally.
Thanks to God's grace in leading me to the above Bible passage and Bethany's devotional, at least this morning I chose the better thing.

Seth: Is football in his future like his Grandpadad? Grow, buddy, grow!

Marcie commandeering the hose nozzle

Gracie is queen of the pool.

Seth's turn to play with the water

Marcie looking on

Brotherly teamwork in managing the hose!
Will is behind David, but he's also got two hands on it.

Everything is a group effort

Where there is water there will be mud.

Doesn't Will look like a caricature of Charlie Chaplin? All he needs is the hat!

This is a funny picture because Seth had brought me the book and was sitting on my lap, but David wanted to get in on the action so he managed to squeeze himself between us.

Happy brothers: David and Will (who is feeling better and very happy this morning, thank God!)



  1. LOVE IT! I talked about this passage in my talk on REST (which is on my blog if you want to watch it in all your HOURS of free time. Tee Hee.) I was even thinking today about the word "preparations" used to describe what Martha was doing--preparing for others. Whereas Mary, who later anointed Jesus feet with oil, prepared HIM and spent time preparing herself for relationship with him. As moms, I think we get drawn into preparing our homes and lives and children for OTHERS, when our real job is to prepare our homes and lives and children to be open to JESUS! :) What a relief!! Jesus also tells Martha that Mary has chosen what won't be taken away, which reminds me how FLEETING the attempts at superficial cleanliness and organization are when compared to the deeper abiding peace that comes from a happy (albeit slightly grimy) Christ-centered home. Much much love to you!

    1. See, you need to write my blog posts for me. Even your comments are wonderfully inspiring, Scriptural, and instructive!! I am going to print out and put up a sign that quotes you: "As moms, I think we get drawn into preparing our homes and lives and children for OTHERS, when our real job is to prepare our homes and lives and children to be open to JESUS!"

      Boy howdy, the attempts at cleanliness are fleeting!! :)

      Love you! Miss you!

    2. Very well said, Katrina! I want to go to your post now & listen to your talk. Love you.

  2. Why would you think that during Holocaust Remembrance week a caricature of Adolf Hitler is something you want your children to be remembered for? Just curious as to how it goes along with your Love Jesus theme? It makes me sad to think that you find this appropriate or funny. I find it highly offensive. Is this the message you want to spread as a missionary? The one that you think Jesus wanted you to spread? That Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust and the murder of millions of Jews and non-Jews is the role model for your children?

    1. Those are some pretty hefty assumptions and accusations that are entirely un-true. I am not going to point out all the ways your post is inappropriate. Instead I will just show my support to Carrie and Gavin, their love for Jesus Christ and willingness to share their lives in a public forum as a means of blessing so many.

    2. Oh my goodness, MotherOf5, calm down. If you have read this blog for more than one day, you cannot fail to see the goodness, love, and obedience of this family. That you would even think to suggest otherwise says more about you than it does them, I'm afraid. They didn't set up the situation, it just happened. There is nothing wrong with making light of life, as it happens. I am sorry you are offended, but I think you are pointing your anger in the wrong direction. The last thing this busy mom needs to be accused of is making light of such a serious thing as the holocaust!

    3. Motherof5, I almost removed the words "of someone" because I did NOT want people to think I was pointing out a particular figure in history or media, but rather that Will looks like a caricature, period. You know, like at the amusement parks when artists make a cartoon version of you. Except this version of Will had funny long bangs and a mustache, so it wouldn't be a caricature of himself. . . . hence the words "of someone," rather than "of himself." My mom thought he looked like Charlie Chaplin too.

      The Holocaust was, in my opinion, the most horrific period in history. Adolf Hitler was one of the most evil men alive. I would say THE most evil, but the men who served beside and under him were also evil to the core. If you have a chance, Hitler's Children, a documentary on Netflix, reveals a lot about the men who served him and how abusive and evil they were to their own children and families. It's tragic.

    4. Oh, and I changed the comment so no one else is offended, I hope!

  3. Interesting. I didn't see Hitler there, so I'm not one to talk about offense or non-offense. But really, caricature and humor can be powerful weapons against evil. “I often laugh at Satan, and there is nothing that makes him so angry as when I attack him to his face, and tell him that through God I am more than a match for him.” -- Martin Luther. Plus, I don't see anything here to suggest that anyone is setting Hitler up as a role model.

  4. I wasn't thinking Adolf Hitler. Some actor that I can't place his name, of course, but not Hitler.

    It's hard to choose the better thing! Rewarding for sure, but so, so hard!

  5. Could have been Charlie Chaplan. What a shame some people find evil rather than good in people.

    1. I thought it was Charlie Chaplin, too. Please, Motherof5, ease up a little.

    2. Thanks everyone. Your kindness is touching. :) Love, Carrie

  6. Hi Carrie. It's Jessica from your BSF class. I found your blog recently and just wanted to say hello. I have one too that I just started posting more at I'm going to miss seeing you at BSF. Good luck in PNG. You have a very sweet family and you are precious!

    1. Thank you, Jess! I loved getting to know you a tiny bit at BSF and will definitely check out your blog. :) Hugs! Love, Carrie

  7. Great post, Carrie. Flagged this one to save with all my Carrie emails- remember all the letters we exchanged regarding our longing for children and the difficulty waiting for God's answer? I couldn't imagine how busy and happy it would be being a mom of toddlers, nor how distracting and exhausting. You are right to prioritize time with them above more superficial things that make you look like a "perfect" mom. Along that vein, it is the spiritual instruction we give them that carries so much weight when they get older, while they will choose their own style of dress and habits of cleanliness. I am realizing the narrow window we have to influence our children before they get to the age where they care more what their friends think. I'm sorry that MotherOf5 found your picture offensive. Hitler/nazism has become so synonymous with evil to most Americans that we have co-opted these words to describe everything from a disagreeable coworker to another rising despot (Putin). I can see how anyone with personal/family experience of Hitler's atrocities would be especially sensitive to a reference to him. I've reminded myself several times not to use the word "nazi" lightly, in case it is personally offensive. That being said, the coincidence of a mud mustache on an innocent chid remiscent of an evil dictator is ironic, which is why it was funny. If the author's motives for writing were personal I feel bad that she was offended. If she is just trying to pick a fight by blowing an innocent joke out of proportion and making ridiculous assertions (Hitler as a role model?!) then she is the one who is inappropriate.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Jo-Jo! I love you and miss you and I am so proud of you! I loved the photo of the boys in their Cave (ha, ha!). Once my girlfriend and I climbed into a washing machine and accidentally started it by leaning on the buttons. We got a bit of a merry-go-round ride. :) That wouldn't have been possible with a front loader or dryer!

      So grateful for God's answers to our prayers, though certainly not in the ways we would have expected, eh? :]

    2. To Crawfordswithoutborders
      You are right to be careful of using the word Hitler because it is also offensive to those of us who are of German descent but played on role in his actions. To be forever cast with a label just because of your ancestry is also offensive

  8. A Mom that "gets it"! Carrie, you are such a blessing to so many people that read this blog. It's not just about the kids, it's about your outlook on life, on God, on your family. You always are able to reach out and find exactly what you need at that moment (He works well that way doesn't He)! Yes, choose the better thing, the house will be there.....the kids will not stay this age, this size etc. for long. I was a poor Mother as I look back on raising my 3 sons. Divorced and a single parent with a Father that never even bothered sending his sons a birthday card, wouldn't even pick up the phone and wish them a Merry Christmas. I can count the times on 1 hand that their Father has seen 22 years..... I was "type A" and working full time, going to college and raising those boys alone. Having a clean house, an empty laundry basket and a perfect yard was my undoing. While my boys knew how much they were loved I should of spent more time with them under the kitchen table and in less distress because there were crumbs under it! Now my "baby" is 34 years old.....and now when I clean my house it stays that way.....for a long time....I so wish I could go back and let the house go to heck in a hand basket! God allowed me to make better choices when He blessed my sons and daughter in laws with children. Now I hike with them, take trips to the Zoo, movies, the beach, Disneyland etc....ALL 12 OF THEM! The take away here? To heck with the house! Grab that water hose and get wet with those kids lady....THAT you will remember and cherish forever!

  9. God bless you Carrie for writing this blog of which 95% was shared with my secondary students (some of whom are already parents), as we discussed "motherhood" in our Character Education lesson. It was perfect: real Godlove in action through a mom who truly "gets it". We need more
    "Mary"-moms like you Carrie!! c


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Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

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