Carrie had a great night's sleep and has had a very good day today. She's in good spirits and pretty comfortable. The contractions are under control without too much medication and she was up a little bit. She even got to take a shower! She has gained 6 pounds in the last week and is eating well, so that's a big praise also.
The NICU had some placards for the babies left over and gave them to us, so we thought it appropriate to put them in the relative positions on Carrie's belly for your reference. (relative being the key word here)
She had an ultrasound this afternoon, too, which showed the babies are still doing well. We just praise the Lord for each day He gives the babies in utero . . . and for your prayers!
This is the blog for Gavin and Carrie Jones and family. We live in Papua New Guinea and are working to see lives transformed by the living Word of God through Bible translation. Gavin is a helicopter pilot. Carrie, who has her degree in Public Health, works in the lab at our busy rural clinic. Our son, Isaac, was born in 2004 and our quintuplets, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, and Grace, were born in 2012.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:3-6
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Afternoon update
Carrie is doing quite well this afternoon. The edema has mostly gone away, though she is still on supplemental oxygen. The contractions are smaller and not concerning to the doctors. Earlier today she was aching all over like she had the flu, but she is much better now.
Thank you all for the outpouring of prayer for all of us. We've been blessed with many emails and other encouraging notes from so many people. Thank you also to so many for the birthday wishes. I will try to reply to emails as I can . . . but don't hold your breath.
Thank you all for the outpouring of prayer for all of us. We've been blessed with many emails and other encouraging notes from so many people. Thank you also to so many for the birthday wishes. I will try to reply to emails as I can . . . but don't hold your breath.
Big specific prayer for Carrie
Carrie just called me this morning to say that during the night, the medication that is supposed to stop the contractions (magnesium sulfate) caused pulmonary edema (water on the lungs). They had raised the dose after I left last night. Apparently, this is a common side-effect of the drug, so not wholly unexpected. She woke up quite short of breath and the nurses had to take her off everything. Thank God, the contractions are staying relatively small and not too close together right now. She asks specifically that we all pray that "the Lord Himself will stop these contractions." We know He is more than able and we have seen Him answer such specific requests before. So please continue to "Ask, seek, and knock" for us in this way.
The doctor said once the water is off of her lungs they will start her on a lower dose of magnesium sulfate if needed, since she seemed to be fine for a few days on the lower dose. If the contractions continue there are some other options that we will look into.
Thank you so much for your prayers as always. We'll keep you all updated.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Contractions increasing
Carrie just called me to say that her contractions are increasing in strength (enough to wake her up), so they have increased her medication. We just pray this is short-lived and things will calm down again for a few weeks.
God is good. All the time.
God is good. All the time.
Maybe not so short . . .
This morning, the Doctor (and Carrie) agreed that it is best that she stay in the hospital. She's slightly dilated (more than last night) and so they have just put her on some different drugs to help ease any contractions. It looks like we may be in the hospital now for the long haul. The dilations and contractions are not highly concerning and the doctor feels that Carrie and the babies will be just fine for a while.
They've just put in the medicine for the contractions and it is working quite obviously-- the monitor shows no contractions at all right now.
I think we both expected for her to stay home a bit longer than this, but it really isn't too much of a surprise. We are thankful for the doctors and nurses here who are so helpful and eager, as we are, to keep these babies in the pressure cooker as long as possible.
Thank you so much for all the prayers-- we're swimming in them and it's great!
They've just put in the medicine for the contractions and it is working quite obviously-- the monitor shows no contractions at all right now.
I think we both expected for her to stay home a bit longer than this, but it really isn't too much of a surprise. We are thankful for the doctors and nurses here who are so helpful and eager, as we are, to keep these babies in the pressure cooker as long as possible.
Thank you so much for all the prayers-- we're swimming in them and it's great!
Friday, July 27, 2012
A short hospital stay
We came to the hospital yesterday for Carrie's second iron infusion for the week. During the infusion, she was experiencing some unusual/different contractions, so we went on up to the doctor's office. She went ahead and admitted Carrie for observation. She also thought it was a good opportunity to give her the steroid shots that help to accelerate the growth of the babies' lungs-- which requires hospitalization and observation anyway. The contractions are not severe and the doctor will likely send her home tomorrow morning, Lord-willing.
While in the hospital yesterday, they went ahead and showed me (Gavin) through the NICU again to see some more preparations that they have made for us. They actually had their first drill on Tuesday with all the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel there to practice as if they were actually delivering the quints. They said it was a bit amusing, since they had 5 baby dolls of several ethnicities-- not to be expected in reality! They have everything figured out, it seems, even timing how long it will take to carry the babies from Carrie in the delivery room to the room where their "womb," or artificial preemie bed is. Each bed is color coded, including the floors around them and the plugs for the equipment. They're very ready for us!
While in the hospital yesterday, they went ahead and showed me (Gavin) through the NICU again to see some more preparations that they have made for us. They actually had their first drill on Tuesday with all the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel there to practice as if they were actually delivering the quints. They said it was a bit amusing, since they had 5 baby dolls of several ethnicities-- not to be expected in reality! They have everything figured out, it seems, even timing how long it will take to carry the babies from Carrie in the delivery room to the room where their "womb," or artificial preemie bed is. Each bed is color coded, including the floors around them and the plugs for the equipment. They're very ready for us!
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The equipment lined up in the NICU |
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The "wombs" in the post-delivery room |
Isaac has been having a great week, taking swimming lessons in the morning and then playing with a friend of his most afternoons this week-- he's there overnight tonight. Thanks, Schlenkers!
We're just sitting here in the hospital watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics-- kind of like what I imagine an acid trip might be like . . . .
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Confession from Carrie
I wrote all the detailed woman medical stuff yesterday, thinking Gavin was a little behind-hand in reporting on the doc appointment and I'd help him get going on it. I was going to pass it over to Gavin to edit, add to, and post as coming from him (since I am trying to wean myself off of the computer), but without thinking I hit "publish" and went on my merry way. Of course, Gavin was then slightly mortified as I shared more than he would ever feel comfortable sharing as a man. This morning he saw it and promptly edited it to be written from my perspective Apologies to him and to you all. Hope no one else was/is embarrassed! Good thing I'm stepping back from blogging. He's much more discreet. :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Yesterday's check-up
Sorry we're late on this! All the babies are doing beautifully. Marcie Jane's kidneys were normal on one side, only slightly enlarged on the other (less than last week). We thank God for His control over that. All heartbeats and amniotic fluid levels looked good, praise God. Thank you for praying!
Some disappointing news is that my cervix has shortened drastically, from 4.5-5.0 cm down to 2.6-2.8 cm. The doctor had told us that 2.5 would mean admittance to the hospital. Thankfully, the remaining length is still very tightly closed, so the doctor increased the dosage of the mild anti-contraction medicine I have been taking and is allowing me to try one more week of home bed rest. Would you please pray with us that if the Lord is willing He will lengthen the cervix again? It wasn't a huge surprise that it had shortened because some of my contractions have been intense enough to make it difficult for me to talk through them.
I am now on serious bed rest, lying down all the time and just resting. I really need to limit my email or FaceBook time, since even that can be a bit stressful due to the position I need to be in, so Gavin will be taking over most communications with everyone. Thanks to those praying about weight gain: I gained 3-4 pounds this past week! My stomach is getting so crowded it's amazing that I can can eat at all. The delicious meals people are bringing really help motivate me and are a blessing to us all - thank you!
With gratitude, in His grip,
Monday, July 23, 2012
More exposure
We would appreciate prayer as we think through what kind of media exposure we will be having/accepting and timeframes for that. We definitely want to wait until the babies are more viable, for one thing. Maybe 28-29 weeks? We're only at 25 weeks 2 days now.
We truly desire to be a witness to God's love and truth. We will likely have several chances to share with many people about what the Lord is doing in our live. We pray that He will give us the right words to say at the right time.
I read this morning in Colossians 4:5-6: Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.
I read this morning in Colossians 4:5-6: Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.
P.S. to the last post
In my own defense, lest any of you consider me callous and mean, Carrie really likes it when I call her huge, big, fat, etc. right now-- she's trying as hard as she can to gain weight and get huge, so it's an encouragement to her. Of course, the comments definitely have their statute of limitations . . . say, September 30th?
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Carrie at 25 Weeks!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Musings and a poem
As each week passes and we enter the age of the quintuplets' potential viability (I'm 25 weeks today; look for a picture tomorrow, our Sunday tradition), it strikes me as odd that I've actually started to think more about all the things that might go wrong with the babies. I guess it's because each week I know we're closer to them being okay, but we have several more weeks before there is a good chance all of them would do well (which is why we're hoping/praying for 34 weeks; I'd be happy with 32, and very grateful when we reach 28 and 29 weeks). Aside from selfishly not wanting to raise a special needs child (although I know God's plans are always best and there would be blessings galore) I so badly want to return to PNG, and so deeply hope and pray all the babies will be healthy, hale and hearty so we can. I find myself following the "what if?" trails in my mind, which I know is not of the Lord. So this poem is applying to me more and more as the time draws closer. Thank you, Krista! And thank you ALL for praying!
Teach Me to Rest
O Lord, please calm my anxious heart;
It's beating now for six.
Though life is hard, there’s not one part
That anxious thoughts can fix.
My heart and these five precious lives
Are fully in Your hands.
For You all this was no surprise
But part of what You planned.
So many fears, so many tests,
So much I can’t control,
So hard for me to learn to rest
That peace may fill my soul.
But peace beyond what I have known
Can guard my heart and mind
If I can rest in You alone
And leave these fears behind.
“You understand my lying down”
Means so much more these days.
When anxious thoughts my peace would drown,
I choose to trust and praise.
O Lord, please calm my anxiousness;
Let faith be my release.
Whatever comes, teach me to rest
And fill me with Your peace.
Krista Besselman
Friday, July 20, 2012
This is Our Life- Jones 3 in PNG
This is a video that we put together of our lives and ministry over in PNG.
This is our life,
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Girls' clothes
I was very surprised to find out today that despite this massive pile of adorable clothes from generous friends and even "strangers," we only have enough girl clothes for up to three months of age (or 12 pounds, which may come well after 3 months from their actual birth date). We have very few items in the 3-6 month age/size and beyond. So I "misspoke" a few posts ago when I said we had enough for the 1st year. I've learned the lesson not to count your clothes before your sweet volunteers do it officially. :) Which brings me to the boys' clothes: they haven't been counted yet. I'll let you know as soon as we do. Thank you, Deb and Wanda, for giving of your time, and THANKS to everyone who has bought or passed on clothes! We love hand-me-downs - especially for the next 3-4 years in PNG where life is just dirty!
Very blessed by very many,
Carrie, for Gavin too
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
No gestational diabetes!
We got the results this afternoon and are thanking and praising God! Thanks to those who were praying!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Are they conspiring against us . . . !?
This is one of the images that were captured yesterday during the sonogram . . . .
Yes, four of the quints have their heads together. What they're coming up with, only time will tell.
Yes, four of the quints have their heads together. What they're coming up with, only time will tell.
Time in the Sierras
Isaac and I (Gavin) have enjoyed spending some time in California with my family as well as reconnect with people in my home church. It has been good to see everyone here. We have had some great times in the mountains as well. My cousin/best friend Grant and I got to take a backpacking trip last weekend into Yosemite while my parents watched Isaac. We had a wonderful time and the area we were in was just gorgeous.
I got to take Isaac on a shorter overnight pack trip with my dad and brother-in-law as well when we were up in the Huntington Lake area. It was a good time for all and we were even told about a cave that we could check out. The directions were good and we found the sinkhole entrance. It was pretty small, but beautiful with white and black marble throughout. There was one point where it was pretty tight getting through, but we made it through to tell about it!
When we were at Huntington Lake for a picnic I took a picture of Isaac among the gorgeous shooting star flowers in the same spot where I did so when he was six months old and then later when he was three and a half. Here are the pictures from before as well.
We had some wonderful times and wish Carrie could have come, but it's good to be back with her.
We camped in Virginia Canyon and this picture is in front of Shepherd Crest.
Cooking the hot dogs with REAL sticks |
We even took our frisbees up for a few rounds of frisbee golf. Only an extra 175 grams each in the packs, not too bad! |
I got to take Isaac on a shorter overnight pack trip with my dad and brother-in-law as well when we were up in the Huntington Lake area. It was a good time for all and we were even told about a cave that we could check out. The directions were good and we found the sinkhole entrance. It was pretty small, but beautiful with white and black marble throughout. There was one point where it was pretty tight getting through, but we made it through to tell about it!
Ready to hit the trail |
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At the beginning of the cave |
The walls and floor were marble. It looked like someone had come along and carved it out with a spoon. |
The wildflowers were just beautiful! |
When we were at Huntington Lake for a picnic I took a picture of Isaac among the gorgeous shooting star flowers in the same spot where I did so when he was six months old and then later when he was three and a half. Here are the pictures from before as well.
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In 2004 at about 6 months old |
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In 2008 at 4 1/2. |
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Just last week. His dad wasn't responsible enough to un-tousle his hair before the picture. |
We had some wonderful times and wish Carrie could have come, but it's good to be back with her.
Code 5
Yes, there are three posts in one day today. We have so much to tell, all of it testifying to the goodness of God!
We had an extensive tour of the NICU yesterday. (We were at the hospital for 6 hours due to the sonogram, a doctor's appointment, two meetings, an iron infusion appointment, and the tour - hence no update yesterday. I was EXHAUSTED - but exhilarated and SO thankful!).
The title of this post refers to the pager code that will go out the moment the doctors decide to deliver the babies. Within seconds, everyone on the team: 3 doctors, 2 neonatal nurse practitioners, neonatologists, and respiratory therapists, be they at the hospital or away, will know it's "go time" for the Jones quints and will rush to the NICU and/or operating room. The code will also go out to the pharmacy, the blood bank, the anesthesiologist, and others we cannot even remember, so that everyone can immediately carry out their tasks as already assigned in the "Jones Quints" meetings that take place each Friday. The blood is for me, as I am already so anemic, and my blood loss could be quite significant since it takes longer to deliver quints plus involves a much larger incision. (There goes my bikini modeling career, hee-hee.) This picture is in the NICU and they already have all 5 of the babies' beds in place along with two different types of ventilators we pray they will never have to use.
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You should have seen Carrie oooh and aaaah over the preemies that were there in the NICU! |
The picture below shows each baby's assigned color and box of supplies that they already have in order.
We got to sit down with and ask the anesthesiologist all our questions yesterday, and we are both very pleased with her level of expertise, her detailed planning, and her concern for me (especially regarding anxiety as it can feel like the patient is not able to breathe when they actually can, and also the nausea that can be brought on by the epidural+spinal, but, according to her, is easily and rapidly fixable).
The Medical Director of the NICU came down to the infusion room to escort us up to the NICU for our tour. We were deeply honored that he took so much time to show us around and give us the play by play as far as what will be happening when the day comes.
We feel very well cared for and are quite impressed with the professional and efficient way they are dealing with our "situation." Supposedly there haven't been any quintuplets in the Dallas area since the mid or early 90's!
May all involved see Christ through us in every step of the way!
P.S. from Carrie (follow-up of Saturday's blubbering post)
Regarding my Saturday posting, when I was so terrified I was somehow hurting my babies or failing them as a mother: I received many wonderful emails and messages in reply, but this one from "another mother" particularly stuck with me. I think I need to read it every week for the rest of my mothering life. :)
"Dearest Carrie,
I am so grateful for the updates, and very glad to know how to pray specifically. But my dear, dear, friend…please know that you are an amazing mom [well, being pregnant with quints is pretty amazing, I guess!], and although keeping your babies nourished is a big concern, you have no need to compare yourself to any other mamas…big fat ones or others. That is a losing proposition and the path to certain discouragement and depression. (I know this from experience.) God designed your body, soul and spirit to work exactly as he has determined. He sees your incredible will, your discipline and loving heart. By all means, do your homework and learn whatever tips and tricks you can. But remember that your story is your story, unique to you and comparable to none other. “There is no condemnation…” and these babies are in his wise and loving hands. He will not ask you to bear the burden of responsibility for things only he can control. Trust and obey; then rest.
Your loving extra 'mom'"
I didn't read this email until after the appointment, but was really convicted during the appointment that even though I'm not gaining weight as fast as I'm "supposed to," according to my twins, triplets, and quad pregnancy book, my Father knows my frame and what I can handle, just as He knows each of these 5 babies' frames. Maybe if I was gaining weight faster the burden would be nearly unbearable for my body. My stomach muscle on one side is already stretched to the point of pain, and my knees hurt whenever I get up, plus I still deal with semi-chronic backache. But on the whole I'm feeling pretty good, and I thank God for that!
To respond to those who have sent ideas to help me gain weight: I was eating all the ice cream I could (usually in the form of malted milk shakes because it's easier to drink than eat) and drinking Boost Plus (which is even more highly caloric than Ensure Plus) throughout the day, both mixed with whole milk and a scoop of "Up Your Mass" protein powder. And unfortunately, my darling Adrianne, I don't like Nutella. :) But you are all sweet to try to help me out! The ice cream shakes are going out the window if I really do have gestational diabetes . . . bummer!
Love you all!!!!
Carrie (back in her right mind - thanks for your prayers; I need you to stand with me!)
Carrie (back in her right mind - thanks for your prayers; I need you to stand with me!)
Monday's check-up
Here's the update from our appointment yesterday-- from Gavin's point of view. It was another reminder of how firmly God has us and our coming children in His hands and under His loving care. [Carrie's note: Despite my freaking out on Saturday! I needed the reminder, obviously, and loved your sweet notes of encouragement and truth. Clearly, your prayers are powerful and effective.]
All of the babies are doing well as far as growth and weight. Little Gracie, who was really small 3 weeks ago (9th or 18th percentile, depending on the equation), is now up above the 50th percentile and has actually passed up her sister (who's exactly 50%) for size! They are measuring 1 lb, 8 oz, 1 lb 9 oz (Gracie and one of the boys), 1 lb 10 oz, and 1 lb 12 oz, right as they should or even a bit larger at 24 weeks. There is still no indication of any problems and only one of Marcie's kidneys was mildly enlarged yesterday. The other was normal, just as both were last week, which is reassuring. She may be normal again next week, for which we pray, but either way it's medically not a big deal at all, we're told.
After last week's appointment there was some concern (due to cervix length and funneling) that Carrie might have to be admitted to the hospital if it shortened any more. We just praise the Lord that she was actually measuring 1.5 cm longer yesterday than last week, and all funneling is gone, despite the biggest boy's rear-end being parked right square on top of it. Another doctor later told us that she overheard our doctor telling one of the staff that Carrie is "the perfect mother" in reference to how her body is handling everything. (She hasn't seen Isaac yet, so hasn't seen the first hand evidence of her perfect mothering in the other sense. :)) [Ha, ha! We all know I am far from perfect, and all the glory for anything good in my body or my mothering is obviously the LORD's!]
One slight red flag from yesterday was possible gestational diabetes. We should get the hour-long test results soon and will let you know if she needs the 4-hour test. Carrie certainly doesn't have any symptoms yet, at least not that we can tell, and it would only make it more difficult for her to eat enough calories each day if she has to go on a diabetic diet, so we pray that the tests will be negative.
Thank you 1,000 times over for praying with us!
Love in Christ,
Gavin and Carrie
All of the babies are doing well as far as growth and weight. Little Gracie, who was really small 3 weeks ago (9th or 18th percentile, depending on the equation), is now up above the 50th percentile and has actually passed up her sister (who's exactly 50%) for size! They are measuring 1 lb, 8 oz, 1 lb 9 oz (Gracie and one of the boys), 1 lb 10 oz, and 1 lb 12 oz, right as they should or even a bit larger at 24 weeks. There is still no indication of any problems and only one of Marcie's kidneys was mildly enlarged yesterday. The other was normal, just as both were last week, which is reassuring. She may be normal again next week, for which we pray, but either way it's medically not a big deal at all, we're told.
After last week's appointment there was some concern (due to cervix length and funneling) that Carrie might have to be admitted to the hospital if it shortened any more. We just praise the Lord that she was actually measuring 1.5 cm longer yesterday than last week, and all funneling is gone, despite the biggest boy's rear-end being parked right square on top of it. Another doctor later told us that she overheard our doctor telling one of the staff that Carrie is "the perfect mother" in reference to how her body is handling everything. (She hasn't seen Isaac yet, so hasn't seen the first hand evidence of her perfect mothering in the other sense. :)) [Ha, ha! We all know I am far from perfect, and all the glory for anything good in my body or my mothering is obviously the LORD's!]
One slight red flag from yesterday was possible gestational diabetes. We should get the hour-long test results soon and will let you know if she needs the 4-hour test. Carrie certainly doesn't have any symptoms yet, at least not that we can tell, and it would only make it more difficult for her to eat enough calories each day if she has to go on a diabetic diet, so we pray that the tests will be negative.
Thank you 1,000 times over for praying with us!
Love in Christ,
Gavin and Carrie
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
I have GOT to eat 5,000 calories!!!
Warning: this is one of those extremely honest posts that some of you may rather not wade through, and I fully realize there are people with problems, pains, illnesses, and losses beyond comparing with this. I know because I am praying for several! And that does help put my concerns into perspective, but these 5 babies are extremely dear to me, and I am currently quite concerned for them.
I LOST a pound-and-a-half this past week, my stomach hasn't grown, and I'm feeling like I need some definite prayer support, please!!! Reading about other quintuplet moms online and in my books and hearing about how they diligently 5,000 calories daily, gained massive amounts of weight (like 90-120 pounds) and had big, fat babies at 33 and 34 weeks gestation is a huge motivator, but, honestly, also a big source of discouragement. PLEASE PRAY that our babies are healthy and big(ger) at their check-up on Monday, despite the discouraging set-back of this weight loss. I had given up on the 5,000 cal goal (from my twins, triplets and quads pregnancy book) because the one day I managed to get close (4,600) I lost it all again into the toilet due to over-fullness. Now THAT was discouraging.
I realize rationally this is something I really need to leave in God's hands, that He is in full control over my body and each baby's body, but I don't want to say that lightly and slough off my responsibility in this. This is perhaps the single greatest responsibility I've ever had because no one else can do it for me. (Although I appreciate the sweet offers to eat and sleep for me. I wish that would work!) I hate to think that my failure to persevere in this area would hurt these babies.
Lest some of you write and say, "It's okay, the babies will get what they need; the weight is coming off of you," well, with high-order multiples it's just not the same as with a singleton. Weight gain and calorie loading are absolutely critical for the babies, based on years of study involving hundreds of women and babies (triplets included). The most well-known, experienced high-order multiple doctor, John P. Elliot, will back me up, as will Dr. Barbara Luke, who has conducted the largest multi-center study on this. I would like to somewhat cattily point out that neither one of them has first-hand experience with being pregnant and sick or pregnant and running out of tummy space and eating 5,000 calories at the same time!! :) But their patients have borne out the discouraging truth and proven that women can do this. The question is, can I? Especially given my bad anemia that no treatment or food or supplement has been able to effectively treat yet? Lord, please strengthen us all and enable me to eat each day what YOU know these babies need!
Thanks for letting me vent, and thanks for being my "Aarons" and holding up my arms for me in this struggle (although I realize I'm no Moses, responsible for thousands of Israelites- thank goodness! Five little people is enough!). I'm so glad I'm never alone. Re-reading Hinds' Feet in High Places with an accompanying devotional full of Scripture is a great reminder of this (thanks Pastor George and Bernice!). And thanks, Curt and Lana, for being my "Aarons" with your deliciously fattening meal last night. I had more more of that potato casserole for breakfast with my Boost shake. :) The yummy meals people are bringing are a huge help and encouragement to eat, seriously.
Love and thanks,
I LOST a pound-and-a-half this past week, my stomach hasn't grown, and I'm feeling like I need some definite prayer support, please!!! Reading about other quintuplet moms online and in my books and hearing about how they diligently 5,000 calories daily, gained massive amounts of weight (like 90-120 pounds) and had big, fat babies at 33 and 34 weeks gestation is a huge motivator, but, honestly, also a big source of discouragement. PLEASE PRAY that our babies are healthy and big(ger) at their check-up on Monday, despite the discouraging set-back of this weight loss. I had given up on the 5,000 cal goal (from my twins, triplets and quads pregnancy book) because the one day I managed to get close (4,600) I lost it all again into the toilet due to over-fullness. Now THAT was discouraging.
I realize rationally this is something I really need to leave in God's hands, that He is in full control over my body and each baby's body, but I don't want to say that lightly and slough off my responsibility in this. This is perhaps the single greatest responsibility I've ever had because no one else can do it for me. (Although I appreciate the sweet offers to eat and sleep for me. I wish that would work!) I hate to think that my failure to persevere in this area would hurt these babies.
Lest some of you write and say, "It's okay, the babies will get what they need; the weight is coming off of you," well, with high-order multiples it's just not the same as with a singleton. Weight gain and calorie loading are absolutely critical for the babies, based on years of study involving hundreds of women and babies (triplets included). The most well-known, experienced high-order multiple doctor, John P. Elliot, will back me up, as will Dr. Barbara Luke, who has conducted the largest multi-center study on this. I would like to somewhat cattily point out that neither one of them has first-hand experience with being pregnant and sick or pregnant and running out of tummy space and eating 5,000 calories at the same time!! :) But their patients have borne out the discouraging truth and proven that women can do this. The question is, can I? Especially given my bad anemia that no treatment or food or supplement has been able to effectively treat yet? Lord, please strengthen us all and enable me to eat each day what YOU know these babies need!
Thanks for letting me vent, and thanks for being my "Aarons" and holding up my arms for me in this struggle (although I realize I'm no Moses, responsible for thousands of Israelites- thank goodness! Five little people is enough!). I'm so glad I'm never alone. Re-reading Hinds' Feet in High Places with an accompanying devotional full of Scripture is a great reminder of this (thanks Pastor George and Bernice!). And thanks, Curt and Lana, for being my "Aarons" with your deliciously fattening meal last night. I had more more of that potato casserole for breakfast with my Boost shake. :) The yummy meals people are bringing are a huge help and encouragement to eat, seriously.
Love and thanks,
Friday, July 13, 2012
Helper/Volunteer website up and running!
Thanks to my dear friend Stacey, a web site has been set up to help manage the more immediate needs of our family (meals) and, later, the additional help we'd LOVE to have after the arrival of the quintuplets (baby care, cleaning, laundry). You will need a log-in to gain full access to the web site. If you email you will be sent a log-in request. THANK YOU!!!!!!
My mom especially has been greatly blessed by meals as she is working two jobs, and as I mentioned yesterday, I am really enjoying the delicious fruits of local friends' labors as I work to nourish these five babies. :)
We realize many, many of you don't live in the area, but we deeply appreciate your encouragement, love and prayers from afar!
Someone just asked me about this again, so I thought I'd better explain again: Gifts towards medical bills will be tax-deductible if given through our organization (see link, right-hand side of this page). Please note in the comment box or in an attached snail-mail note "Gavin and Carrie Jones: Excess Medical." Again, we can't thank you enough!
Love in Christ,
Carrie for Gavin, too, who is flying home with my precious Isaac as I type - hooray!
My mom especially has been greatly blessed by meals as she is working two jobs, and as I mentioned yesterday, I am really enjoying the delicious fruits of local friends' labors as I work to nourish these five babies. :)
We realize many, many of you don't live in the area, but we deeply appreciate your encouragement, love and prayers from afar!
Someone just asked me about this again, so I thought I'd better explain again: Gifts towards medical bills will be tax-deductible if given through our organization (see link, right-hand side of this page). Please note in the comment box or in an attached snail-mail note "Gavin and Carrie Jones: Excess Medical." Again, we can't thank you enough!
Love in Christ,
Carrie for Gavin, too, who is flying home with my precious Isaac as I type - hooray!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Late 23 week update
Sorry for the delay on this one. Partly due to the dead computer issue, partly to my forgetfulness of passwords, but here we are at last. :)
As of Monday's appointment (the 9th) the babies' heart rates and amniotic fluid levels all look good, and the biggest praise for this week is that the little girl with the enlarged kidneys (renal pelvis dilatation) was back to normal! Thank you for your prayers, and we thank the Lord that His answer was "yes."
Please keep praying the other little girl will grow and not suffer from intrauterine growth restriction. We'll find out this coming Monday what their respective sizes are. I'll be 24 weeks and a bit at that point.
Speaking of our tiny little girl, I need continuing prayers for my appetite, maybe partly because my anemia has not improved despite direct iron infusions (it looks like Coca-Cola in a bag). I may be receiving them 2-3 times a week instead of just once a week instead. Low appetite is one of the symptoms of more severe anemia. My hair is also falling out in prodigious amounts - it's ridiculous!
While I may look fat enough to you (and to myself), I'm still a good 10 pounds behind the curve, as established in my twins, triplets, and quad pregnancy book, and weight gain prior to 24 weeks has the greatest effect on the babies' ultimate weight and health at birth.
Yummy meals from our church family sure are helping tempt my appetite - last night's taco pie rocked, as has the pot roast, the sausages and mashed potatoes, the chicken spaghetti casserole, the banana cake, the bread, the cookies, and everything else people have brought! Thank you all!!!!!
The other big prayer request is that my body will hold strongly onto these babies for many more weeks. I've had about 1.5 cm of effacement (thinning) in just one week, which is of course a concern to me. As soon as I thin to 2.5 cm (now I'm 3.0-3.5 cm) I will be hospitalized - something I'd really love to avoid as long as possible. There's no place like home . . .
The default plan, if the Lord graciously allows me to stay home for the next few weeks, is to be admitted at 28 weeks, unless I happen to still be doing really well - which would be awesome!!
Meanwhile, I'm enjoying bed rest as much as possible - especially since I've started registries at Babies 'R' Us and Wal-Mart. The Internet is a wonderful thing sometimes. :)
Thank you all for your prayers and love! We love and appreciate you,
Carrie for Gavin, too
As of Monday's appointment (the 9th) the babies' heart rates and amniotic fluid levels all look good, and the biggest praise for this week is that the little girl with the enlarged kidneys (renal pelvis dilatation) was back to normal! Thank you for your prayers, and we thank the Lord that His answer was "yes."
Please keep praying the other little girl will grow and not suffer from intrauterine growth restriction. We'll find out this coming Monday what their respective sizes are. I'll be 24 weeks and a bit at that point.
Speaking of our tiny little girl, I need continuing prayers for my appetite, maybe partly because my anemia has not improved despite direct iron infusions (it looks like Coca-Cola in a bag). I may be receiving them 2-3 times a week instead of just once a week instead. Low appetite is one of the symptoms of more severe anemia. My hair is also falling out in prodigious amounts - it's ridiculous!
While I may look fat enough to you (and to myself), I'm still a good 10 pounds behind the curve, as established in my twins, triplets, and quad pregnancy book, and weight gain prior to 24 weeks has the greatest effect on the babies' ultimate weight and health at birth.
Yummy meals from our church family sure are helping tempt my appetite - last night's taco pie rocked, as has the pot roast, the sausages and mashed potatoes, the chicken spaghetti casserole, the banana cake, the bread, the cookies, and everything else people have brought! Thank you all!!!!!
The other big prayer request is that my body will hold strongly onto these babies for many more weeks. I've had about 1.5 cm of effacement (thinning) in just one week, which is of course a concern to me. As soon as I thin to 2.5 cm (now I'm 3.0-3.5 cm) I will be hospitalized - something I'd really love to avoid as long as possible. There's no place like home . . .
The default plan, if the Lord graciously allows me to stay home for the next few weeks, is to be admitted at 28 weeks, unless I happen to still be doing really well - which would be awesome!!
Meanwhile, I'm enjoying bed rest as much as possible - especially since I've started registries at Babies 'R' Us and Wal-Mart. The Internet is a wonderful thing sometimes. :)
Thank you all for your prayers and love! We love and appreciate you,
Carrie for Gavin, too
Sunday, July 1, 2012
22 weeks
I'm daring to show off my Prenatal Cradle because I want to include my brother-in-law's hilarious comment:
"Whoa, Carrie, it looks like you got in a fight with a jock strap . . . and lost."
My dad took these because Gavin and Isaac are still out in CA. I'm sure such stunning photos will incline G to count the moments until he can return to his short-of-breath, haircut-needing, 44-pound heavier, bed-ridden wife. ;)
Seriously, though, I really miss them! After I hung up with Isaac last night I cried. But I'm really glad they're off having a great time; taking care of me and handling Isaac almost all on his own hasn't exactly been a picnic for Gavin, especially as he is trying to work on PNG aviation projects remotely.
Yes, Aunt Pam, I got right back into the recliner after taking these pictures.

"Whoa, Carrie, it looks like you got in a fight with a jock strap . . . and lost."
My dad took these because Gavin and Isaac are still out in CA. I'm sure such stunning photos will incline G to count the moments until he can return to his short-of-breath, haircut-needing, 44-pound heavier, bed-ridden wife. ;)
Seriously, though, I really miss them! After I hung up with Isaac last night I cried. But I'm really glad they're off having a great time; taking care of me and handling Isaac almost all on his own hasn't exactly been a picnic for Gavin, especially as he is trying to work on PNG aviation projects remotely.
Yes, Aunt Pam, I got right back into the recliner after taking these pictures.

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Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones

Blog Archive
- Carrie at 26 Weeks and 2 days
- Afternoon update
- Big specific prayer for Carrie
- Contractions increasing
- Maybe not so short . . .
- A short hospital stay
- Confession from Carrie
- Yesterday's check-up
- More exposure
- P.S. to the last post
- Carrie at 25 Weeks!
- Musings and a poem
- This is Our Life- Jones 3 in PNG
- Girls' clothes
- No gestational diabetes!
- Are they conspiring against us . . . !?
- Time in the Sierras
- Code 5
- P.S. from Carrie (follow-up of Saturday's blubberi...
- Monday's check-up
- Carrie at 24 Weeks
- I have GOT to eat 5,000 calories!!!
- Helper/Volunteer website up and running!
- Late 23 week update
- 22 weeks