The kids have adored school and were seriously sad when it ended for the semester. They keep asking how many days until they can go back! Gracie is now reading chapter books, Marcie is reading the Gospel of John from her pocket Bible, Will frequently snuggles down with a book (often Calvin and Hobbes or other silly stories), Seth seems to be wanting to read for the first time in his life, and David can read fine but just loves building LEGO instead. He makes some very unique creations! They all still play their group games and make-believe and run around outside with each other and with friends in the neighborhood and community.
We're getting a kitten in January, Lord willing! Our other cat and kittens died during our absence. 😞The new kitty is darling, and her name is Callie. She's too little to leave her mom yet, so we go visit her.
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Our family lit the Advent candle at church on Sunday. I took the opportunity to insist on a Christmas picture or three after the service. 😊 The girls' dresses are from Grandpadad - each girl cousin got one.
(I got this dress and Isaac's shirt for $1.75 each at a local secondhand store. It's amazing the things we can find there!)
Last week, Gavin medevac'ed a woman who had been in labor for FIVE days. I cannot imagine! He's also flown to lots of language areas and reconnected with PNG friends and ministry partners there. He's been working for three different mission organizations, keeping really busy but loving it all.
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I am back at work and loving nearly every minute of it. One nine-month-old patient last week was truly at death's door with a terrible, likely bacterial, respiratory infection. Her white blood and "band cell" counts were alarming (16,000 and 43%, respectively, for you medical people), so she was transported to the closest hospital and hopefully put on IV antibiotics while receiving oxygen to keep her alive. I think her mom had to walk a LONG way in from the bush to get her help! I prayed for her life to be saved, both here and now and, more importantly, in Eternity.
Gracie with a friend's daughter, Tori. She was SO sweet and patient as the quints passed her around! I love seeing healthy and happy babies! Her wonderful mommy is such a dear woman and sweet friend.
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We're looking forward to Christmas with other dear friends, grateful for our many, many blessings, including YOU! The Lord richly bless and keep you in His love and care, at this time of year especially.
In His grip,
Carrie for us all