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It's harder to smile for the camera when your mom is with you in the photo. I was the one making them smile. :) |
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. The you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:3-6
Friday, October 23, 2015
Happy Birthday
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Happy, happy home (usually)
Gavin in (unstaffed) church nursery with the kids:
Climbing trees - not really. Gavin just put them up there and took the pictures.
David and his silly smile |
Will drew on himself with a marker, lest you wonder what those green marks are on his thigh. :)
Will and Marcie |
Me reading to the kids last night (Wow! A timely picture for the first time in a long time!)
Isaac and friends frying giant June bugs to eat. They taste like really fatty, nasty bacon with a too-crunchy outside. I can’t stand them.
Will looking sweet and docile. Looks are deceiving: although he certainly can be VERY sweet, he usually isn’t docile. He loves, loves, loves to be kissed and told that he is LOVED. He always repeats back, “I love you” with his dimpled full-face grin. Thanks to those of you who prayed for his illness. It took a LONG time, but I think he’s finally completely over it! We’re so thankful that it didn’t affect the other kids nearly so much, if at all. Gracie and Gavin were the only ones truly sick as well.
And finally, our happy, happy home (the grass is much drier now than it appears in this photo):
Please Pray for PNG
This country is hurting for rain. It’s so dry, so brown (comparatively - this is a very naturally verdant land) and whole lakes are gone. Unconfirmed reports say there are already deaths due to starvation and disease from impure water.
This used to be a large lake in the Sepik region of the country. Now it’s dry.
This is our reservoir and source of power. Gavin is parked where there used to be lake, not bare dirt.
Some pictures Gavin has taken recently and I decided to include just because they are cool or beautiful:
How cool is this cloud-covered line of mountain cliffs??
People in their native dress welcoming dignitaries to a public school event:
Quints pics from the past week-and-a-half
Marcie doctoring her daddy
Marcie and David holding hands on their way to church. Marcie’s in a phase where all the other quints (except Will) are her “babies” and she’s the mom. They’re not really keen on being her babies. She says Gracie is “my favorite Gracie!” and “my baby Gracie, because she’s so cute!” When I told Marcie today that she was a little crazy, she insisted she was Marcie, not Gracie. The words are too similar, apparently. :)
Sorry these next three are blurry, but they’re so cute I had to include them. This is a store about 15 minutes from us in the nearest town of any size. It’s the first time we’ve taken all five quints with us on a shopping trip. The store has these tiny little carts, and all five immediately went for them. Seth took it VERY seriously, loading up his cart with things he liked, including rice and sodas and cheese. :) We missed getting a picture of him, unfortunately.
I HAD to cut Marcie’s hair, it was such a chronic mess and she despises having it combed. Gavin said she looked like Gollum from The Hobbit, so he was happy I cut it. I think it turned out pretty cute, just like our silly girl!
Isaac said last night that the quints are his best friends. Tonight David said that Isaac is his best friend, and Marcie said that Isaac is also her best friend (granted, she’s said the same thing about Gracie and David too). Bottom line: Our kids really love each other and it’s SUCH a blessing!
Tonight I overheard Isaac coaching Will on how to ask for something politely. He said, “That’s the respectful way to talk,” as he then gave Will the requested drink. Hooray, my pre-teen is coaching his siblings on how to speak respectfully! May it last on into his teen years . . .
The Playhouse is Done! (for now)
David enjoying the main deck, just above the big slide:
Will and David “helping” Daddy. They like to help Daddy a lot. Daddy is very patient and Mommy is very glad to have them out of the house and busy!
The (for now) finished product:
You can see that we re-purposed our sea freight shipping crates!
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Some heavy stuff
First, the blessings: we got to go to Aviation to pick up Matthew with his mom and siblings! He made it back a day earlier than anticipated. It was SO good to see him totally back to normal! I'm pretty sure my hug embarrassed him, but oh well. :) He came over Friday night for supper and a movie with his brother and another friend. Isaac was elated. Hearing them all laughing and seeing Matthew sitting at our table eating his food made me overflow with thanksgiving. It was surreal. GOD IS GOOD.
And I write that above line because it's what I keep remembering (thanks to the Holy Spirit) as we face two other pretty heavy issues in our area and one minor "spot of bother" here at home.
Starting on the home front, Will is sick with vomiting and diarrhea and fever. He's a miserable little dude. Please pray the other kids don't get it. It sure adds to the laundry pile!
. . . Which brings me to the first big issue we're facing as a town/country: (1) Rain - or rather, lack thereof.
We actually had no water to flush our toilets yesterday (when they direly needed it!). I don't want to give too much information for those who have weak stomachs, but we don't flush our toilets until absolutely necessary, and we only wash clothes that are well and truly dirty/stinky. But with 6 very active kids, that adds up to a lot of laundry quickly. We might look into digging an outhouse - we had one at our old house and using it was no big deal, but we need a GOOD lock on this one! It's also tricky given potty-training right now. (Marcie's the only one really doing it, though. The others give an occasional try.) Bottom line (ha, ha, no pun intended!): WE NEED RAIN. The whole country needs rain, desperately. Our "lawn" has dried to the point that it has several deep fissures in it (not big enough to lose a quint, don't worry). While ugly and annoying, we don't have to depend on our lawn for our livelihood.
(2) Our Finance Department situation is also dire. Here's the public statement:
Finance Team Shortage
The PNG finance team is already critically short-staffed, but things have gotten more difficult this October as one coworker leaves for home assignment and another retires. Currently there are no accountants or finance people in the pipeline to come.
A task force is discussing how to ensure sufficient accounting resources to keep Bible translation going in PNG. Our first step in June was to pray and to ask others to pray. Will you join us? Contact our recruiting team (hr-recruiting@sil.org.pg) to learn more how you can serve in a vital role here in PNG.
For a video about our finance team, you can view it here:
So, here's your invitation to come live near the quints and Isaac! :) Seriously, please pass this on to anyone who think might be interested. We need help!
Gotta run minister to Will,
Gavin, Carrie, Isaac, Will, David, Marcie, Seth, & Grace Jones