
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thankful to be thankful

Hi everyone,

Last night I felt miserable and exhausted, and Marcie shrieked from 9:15 to about 12:00, off and on. There was nothing wrong. She would stop and smile as soon as we went to check on her. Eventually I gave up and went to bed, then Gavin stuck it out on duty until she finally passed out during her night bottle (after a grand 2.5 ounces). For the first time since bringing these babies home I wanted to quit my job as mother (not permanently, just for the night). I felt really guilty and wussy about that until a saintly volunteer told me she remembers numerous times when she wanted to quit her motherhood job, and she "only" had two kids! So instead I am very, very grateful for the help we've had all along the way, all the health we've had this whole winter (until this week), and for the times I've been able to escape for sanity's sake. I haven't gotten out of the house "for fun" since last Friday night's quick date at Taco Bell. Last night I felt the closest to needing a padded room that I have in months. And you know what? My quints are 8 months old! It's AMAZING that I have had such a fabulous team of prayer and physical support to have made it this long this happily and healthily! All glory to God, again and again.

That being said, we definitely appreciate continued prayers for renewed strength and health for all of us. Also please pray that our volunteers stay healthy! We've lost a number of volunteers recently to various life obligations. Tonight was INSANE. Poor Krista got the crying-est version of the Jones quints ever! I just wrote this to some girlfriends:

"All five babies were screaming, Isaac was jumping around like a crazy person trying to entertain them all (it didn't work and added to the chaos), we were doing baths, medicating 5 unwilling recipients with homeopathic cough syrup and ibuprofen and then using The Snotsucker (NEVER a happy experience!), and finally getting each one down. It's kind of sad and kind of just life to have to let 3 babies scream for their turn in the attention line because you're doing all you can with the one or two you're working on at the time. We just don't have enough people. We'd need one for each child, and if you think about it, even when you only have one child, if they are sick you and your husband are trading off and on at night when they are at their most miserable, right? Wow, this is the ride of our lives!"

Now, some really adorable pictures of this ride of our lives:

The kids continuously steal each other's pacifiers, toys and bibs. No wonder they ALL got the cold!
This is David stealing Gracie's pacifier. That's Marcie behind him.

"My Auntie Loves Me" Marcie - LOVE the pants! Aunt Courtney has style!

Will loves the cars at the helmet place.

Everything must be tasted to be experienced at this age (5 months adjusted)

Two of the five handsomest young men on earth!
Will with Daddy

Our little Michigan State University Spartan, Seth, with matching MSU bib, thanks to Aunt Fay!
My dad played for MSU their championship year ('56?) and beyond. I still need to add the big State "S" for "Seth." 

Birthday hats for their 8 month birthday. Seth is wearing his in his bath. Seize the moment!

David and Gavin look so much alike!

Grace going crazy with her toys and explosive "Ha!"s of laughter and sound

Seth is getting HUGE thanks to goat's milk and prayer! He weighed 15 pounds 14 ounces today!


  1. What adorable pictures, as always!! So sorry that "these are the times that try mother's and daddy's souls". I so wish that I was closer and could come over and help you. In the meantime, I'm delighted that the goat's milk is working well for Seth. I can't miss the opportunity to say "I told you so"!!! Much love to all - Gail Boemker

  2. Amen, so thankful for these precious, precious little souls - with minds and dispositions all their own. What a stinker that Marcie is!! They definitely learn at an early age what buttons to push. Can't imagine the choas when they all start pushing at the same time! Praying for your sanity and multitudes of volunteers, and that the kiddos get over their colds quickly. AND, the Lord's peace and mercy to rain down upon you. NKL

    1. FYI - sent you an email re Coming to Town.

    2. Hmmm, I missed that email. I can't find it. Can you try again, please? Maybe use "FROM NKL FOR CARRIE - URGENT" as the subject line so it gets to me and I notice it please?


  3. I have 4 older kids and one baby. ONE. there are many days where I think that I can't do this again. Can't change another diaper, can't do another feeding. But if it wasn't for her, there are days I wouldn't push myself. My brother died last year and there are times the sadness overwhelms me, but I have to get up and keep going. She's kind of demanding that way. :-)

    All that to say no guilt necessary. All of us mommas have felt that way. I give you permission to feel that way x's five. :-)

    I'm jealous that you got away though. My babe is 2 months and we haven't had a chance yet!

    1. Oh man, I really need to not whine! It's SO true that moms with one baby get out less than I do most weeks! I got out WAY less with my singleton 9 years ago than I do now. I had a postpartum breakdown too, though, so I don't think I did things the healthy way back then either. But I didn't have 4 other kids in addition; I cannot imagine! I have been praying for you since I read your note, that God will provide rest and a break for you too. And I have to chuckle at my Taco Bell comment because back in Papua New Guinea I would have KILLED for a Taco Bell run!! :)

      Can you please email me at ? I have a question.


  4. Marcie screaming then smiling!!! Stinker! They all look really good and Seth is turning into a little linebacker! Hooray for goat's milk!

  5. Oh my gosh! I can't believe how big they are!! (I think I say that every time I comment :o) I MISS bringing you guys dinner! We're in the process of buying a house/moving ... on MONDAY!! So once we get settled I'm going to start coming back over ... get ready for soup! :o) Love you guys!

  6. Oh my gosh! I can't believe how big they are!! (I think I say that every time I comment :o) I MISS bringing you guys dinner! We're in the process of buying a house/moving ... on MONDAY!! So once we get settled I'm going to start coming back over ... get ready for soup! :o) Love you guys!

    1. Ha, ha! Wondered where you were (and your soup - yum! The pot pie was awesome too!). Thanks for the note; look forward to seeing you, but having a great moving experience!

      Love, Carrie

  7. Was looking up what all the kids name mean just last night. Could not believe when I looked up means "War." Sounds like she has declared it. Those are my boys-Future Spartans. Love you all. Hugs and Kisses

  8. Carrie done feel bad, all mothers feel that at times. A certain person I know had triplets. At 5 months she was going for her first overnight stay away. She wasn't going to be far away, just a short dirve so she could one good nights sleep. She got a speeding ticket ten miles from herhouse. Does that tell you what a big hurry she was in LOL? By the way, she didn't make it away for the whole night, but did get some much needed rest in the few hours she was gone. She worked hard to get her babies and loves them dearly, but we all get that way at times. Most of us only have one at a time and we still get that way. The babies all look wonderfula nd are growing so fast!! Yay for Seth and the goats milk. It's been helping babies for years. God Bless you all

  9. Carrie-Gavin- you are doing an AMAZING job!! Don't feel bad- we all want to tunr in our "Mother Button" many times in life! : ) And BTW- the HELEMT PLACE- it's called CRANIAL TECHNOLOGIES!! ;0


    1. I know, I was too lazy to type in the full name! Isn't that awful!? We LOVE YOU Cranial Technologies and all you wonderful staff there!!! :) Your salespeople, too! ;)


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