
Monday, January 7, 2013

P.S. on the earlier "volunteer" post

A HUGE, thankful "shout out" to those who make us such delicious meals, strive to keep this house in livable order (thank God for natural organizers, neat-nicks, and "clean freaks"), and stay on top of the seemingly endless piles of laundry, even ironing for me! I shudder to think where we would be without you all who serve in ways other than direct baby care. :) You definitely fall into the category of family care, which of course provides the sanity and sleep needed for baby care and visits to Seth and school (the four "S"s; see previous post).

I love the sweet gifts some of you bring us, too, including those who surprise Isaac with something special. So there's a fifth "S": sweet, special surprises!

God's richest blessings on you all, including all you loving readers and prayer warriors,

(I am pumping right now, hence the very late/early post. Just finished baby feeding with Barbara, my sanity-saver and sleep-ensurer for tonight!)


  1. Carrie, you are amazing to still be pumping through all this!! I found it time consuming ans exhausting at times and I only have three children with 2 to 3 years between them. You and Gavin seem like very string and wonderful people
    Best to all of you,
    Kate in CT

    1. You're sweet. :) I am definitely losing a lot of ground production-wise due to busyness and tiredness. Oh well, as long as I can do anything I will! I'm still producing enough for Seth and almost enough for Gracie, with breast feeding sessions at home with the others as they demand/need it - although I doubt they are getting much of their nutrition that way, which is okay since they have reflux that will flare up if they get more than a couple of ounces of breast milk. I couldn't pump at all if I didn't have the incredible support of so many wonderful helpers!

    2. Why thank you, you guys really are an inspiration! I which do badly I could help with those adorable babies! I can see what I have left in baby girl clothes :)


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